Chiro vs Physio vs Osteo

Chiro vs Physio vs Osteo: Know The Difference

People often get confused between the treatment methods Osteopathy, Physiotherapy, and Chiropractic because of visibly similar treatment procedures and their focus area on musculoskeletal conditions. However there are subtle differences present between these treatment methods and knowing these differences is best to your interest to choose the right treatment method for you.

To begin with, let’s have a clear understanding about these methods.

What is Chiropractic?

focus on spinal mal-alignments which result in compromised functioning of nerves. These malfunctioning nerves then generate a number of musculoskeletal conditions. Chiropractors primarily focus on spinal adjustments, also known as chiropractic adjustments. Chiropractic adjustments extend to other joints also. Chiropractors usually use their hands, often X-Rays, to detect joint misalignments which is followed by short and quick adjustments often producing sounds of cracking and popping.  By doing these adjustments a Chiropractor help help help help help improves the functionality of the musculoskeletal system which, in turn, helps in improving the functioning of other systems throughout the body.

What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy can be termed as a corrective measure or treatment procedure administered after an accident, injury, or illness. Accidents, injuries, and certain illnesses often lead to compromised movement or function of musculoskeletal joints. Physiotherapists help patients recovering from stroke, hip replacement, knee replacement etc. in restoring normal movement and gain confidence. Physiotherapists are also active in various professional fields, such as sports. There they help sport professionals to recover from injuries and get back on track as soon as possible. Physiotherapists use treatment procedures like massages, heat therapy, exercises, strengthening programs, hydrotherapy, magnetic therapy etc. to treat patients.

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy focuses on the symbiotic relationship of bones, joints, muscles, nerves, circulatory system and connective tissue and their contributions in causing discomfort and pain in patients. Osteopaths, based on their comprehensive understanding of human anatomy, identifies the dysfunctionalities in the system and then uses their method to enhance the function thereby reducing pain or discomfort. Following their holistic approach osteopaths undertake a mixed approach to address the problem which involves physical treatment (non-invasive), lifestyle changes, and mentally empowering the patient to work on their problems. The usual techniques of osteopaths involve stretching, massaging, pressure points, craniosacral therapy, articulatory technique among others.

Chiro vs Physio vs Osteo

Now that you know what is what, it’s time to understand how these treatments differ from each other.

FocusThe primary focus is on the misalignment of the spine and how that affects the nervous system. The primary focus is restoring movement or functions of the musculoskeletal system(s).The primary focus is on the relationship between bones, muscles. tissues, ligaments and how they affect overall health.
ApproachSpinal and other joint adjustment using hands and small tools.Combination of exercises, massages, and moral upliftment of the patient.Holistic approach incorporating exercises, massages, diet, posture correction, and mental upliftment.


So now you know which path to take in accordance with your problem. But if you are still confused, which is absolutely normal, consult your general physician and he/she will suggest you the best experienced for your problem. And if you need a chiropractor, dont forget to consult MyChiro.