The Best 8 Questions to Ask Your Chiropractor
Regardless of whether you’re visiting a chiropractor for lower back pain, neck stiffness, migraines, or a similar condition, it is always worth asking a few general questions to get an idea of how chiropractic treatment could contribute to your overall health and well-being.
Developing a good working relationship with your chiropractor to create an ongoing treatment plan can help to alleviate everyday pains and help you live life to the fullest. In this guide, we break down what questions to ask your chiropractor to ensure you’re informed about your treatment.
Key Questions to Ask Your Chiropractor
When you’re receiving treatment for a condition, it’s important to be informed as to what your sessions will entail and how they will work towards healing your pain.
Let’s take a look at eight key questions to ask your chiropractor during your initial consultation.
1. What Are Your Qualifications?
When you’re visiting a professional to treat a condition, it’s important to ensure they are qualified and experienced in providing that service. Insufficiently trained chiropractors who display poor technique may worsen your problem or create new issues.
Be sure to ask your chiropractor about their qualifications and experience.
MyChiro is headed by Dr Steven Lockstone, who has a Bachelor of Science (Clinical) and a Bachelor of Science (Chiropractic). He has over 20 years of experience in the industry and has trained and mentored some of Australia’s leading chiropractors.
Dr Steven Lockstone has assisted over 3000 people to live less painful lives. Steven has also published a book titled ‘The Most Painful Book You’ll Ever Read’.
2. What Techniques Will You Use?
During your chiropractic initial consultation, your chiropractor will give you a physical exam, ask you some questions about your medical history, pain profile, and lifestyle, and may also ask you to complete some physical, laboratory and imaging tests.
These steps will help your chiropractor determine the root cause of your problem and the best course of action.
In order to be a well-informed patient, it is essential that you know about the varying treatments available to you as well as the chiropractic techniques. Seek answers that will help you understand what chiropractors actually do.
For instance, certain chiropractors opt for forceful manipulation to bring about instant relief, while others like to adopt a gentler and slower method. Know that the former is not necessarily more or less efficient than the latter; it is your comfort levels in respect to them that essentially make them the right option for you. The choice is therefore entirely personal.
Generally, Chiropractic treatment involves spinal manipulation and/or a high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust, but there are exceptions to the rule, depending on your condition.
Certain chiropractors employ adjunctive techniques which involve the use of ice or heat and include physical therapy procedures like electric stimulations. Specialty therapies on the other hand, like the Graston technique, involve cold laser treatments and spinal decompressions. It is important that you know about these therapies and techniques beforehand and choose the one which is right for you.
3. Will You Take Scans?
This is one of the most important questions to ask your chiropractor before you commence treatment.
Imaging tests can be useful in helping to diagnose the problem causing your pain. Scans such as X-rays can rule out fractures or serious conditions that may be the culprit of your discomfort.
X-rays will also give your chiropractor an in-depth look at the health of your discs and joints, and help them understand what treatment modalities should be used.
Be sure you’re heading in to see a chiropractor who will take scans before your treatment to ensure they have a clear picture of what’s going on.
You can also ask your chiropractor if the cost will be covered by insurance or if you will need to pay out of pocket.
4. Will You Give Me Hard Copies of the Information Given During Appointments?
It is always useful to take home any recommendations given by your chiropractor in written form. This is because it gives you time to look over your treatment options carefully and will eliminate the chances of you forgetting vital pieces of information. Remember that chiropractic treatment plans are a very personal choice, and you should be given access to all relevant information before going ahead with procedures.
5. How Do You Determine How Many Appointments a Patient Needs?
It could be a difficult task to predict how many appointments a patient will need to stave off their pain in the long term. In this way, some chiropractors make general guesses and leave it to patients to decide how many treatments they will need.
Chiropractors intent on drawing up an effective plan, however, should conduct progress examinations to establish how well their procedures are working and to modify treatment plans accordingly. Indeed, measuring progress effectively will help to accurately determine how many visits are needed.
6. Do You Provide Information on Preventing Certain Conditions?
Future-you will thank you for noting down this question to ask your chiropractor. A chiropractor that is committed to their field will show patients effective ways to prevent discomfort and pain from returning.
This will help prolong the benefits of chiropractic care and will prevent future injuries.
7. How Long Do Sessions Last?
This is important in terms of integrating chiropractic sessions into your hectic schedule. Remember that some conditions may take longer than others to treat.
If you’re interested in visiting a chiropractor in Sydney, head to our website today to book an online appointment.
8. What Can I do to Get the Best Results?
Ask your chiropractor what you can do in between sessions to aid your progress.
Your chiropractor will likely recommend exercises, stretches, and lifestyle adjustments to keep the momentum going in the downtime between appointments.
You can also ask your chiropractor what their goals are for your treatment and how they’re measuring the success of the treatment.
Don’t Put Up With Your Pain
Whether you’re suffering from joint pain, headaches, back pain, neck pain, poor posture, mobility issues, or sciatica, musculoskeletal conditions can significantly impact your quality of life and become quite debilitating when left untreated.
There’s no need to suffer in silence. With the right care and treatment plan, your pain can be reduced significantly and you can get back to doing what you love.
With eight questions to ask your chiropractor under your belt, you’re ready to head in for an initial consultation.
You can book an appointment with MyChiro here. Our experienced chiropractors are here to treat your pain and help you live comfortably again.